29 Nov

Nonsurgical Lip Enhancement

29 Nov

Finally! A new video blog to help navigate the types of hyaluronic acids for lip injections!

Xoxo, LK

(I have like 15 half finished videos 🙊 I’m going to be posting more regularly-I swear!) check out my before and afters on instagram @EstheticsCenterNE

Non-Surgical Butt Augmentations with Sculptra

5 Jul

How To Get A Bigger Butt

Over the past 10 years the number of legitimate  butt implants has increased over 140% according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.  The number of fat grafting buttock lifts (Brazilian Butt Lift) is climbing at similar rate to implants.  Again, the Kardashian's influence over society.  

On the one hand, they really have opened the medical aesthetic market and probably saved it from collapse (there's an implant joke in here somewhere).  They do offer a lot of information to the public (although they manipulate the information they give so always remember–unless you are talking to an ACTUAL expert, information about plastic surgery, injectables, or skincare has no validity or reliability!)  They are however… idiots, for lack of a better word and are grossly miseducating the public on procedures. I'm not sure if I owe them royalties or not, but hopefully people who are planning on booking appointments in my office will have a better understanding of the procedures I offer.

There are 3 legal, safe, FDA-approved options to achieve that "Brazilian Butt Lift" (I mean BESIDES squats all day long).  

Butt Implants

Personally, I don't find this route to be the most aesthetically pleasing, and only know ONE person who has had a butt implant and been extremely happy and had no complications with this procedure (and this particular person does not have the most natural looking result, but they are happy with it!).  There can be extreme complications with putting a silicone implant in an area that is either in motion or bearing large amounts of weight (or both). Recovery is extreme and painful, and should there be a complication (this surgery has a very high infection rate) you're looking at up to 6 months out of work.   Even with a smooth procedure, long term complications such as the development of infection and shifting of the implant are possible.  

Surgical Butt Implants should be performed by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.  Implants can be different sizes, shapes, and put in different places to achieve the aesthetic outcome the patient is looking for.  Be sure to discuss your expectations for projection, size, and proportion to other areas of your body (like hips!).  

Fat Transfer

In order to transfer fat, you must HAVE fat to transfer.  Plan on needing to be 10-20 lbs over the appropriate weight for your body prior to transfer (your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will tell you exactly what you need to weigh for the treatment). This is a hard concept for a lot of my clients to understand. You have to actually be able to grab the fat away from the vital organs that it protects. Skin is not fat. It can be just as hard for some people to gain weight as it is for others to loose it. If you have a hard time gaining weight, a fat transfer may be a waste of money for you.  

Immediately post transfer, expect a dramatic result, but do not expect that as the final result. Remember, not all the fat will graft, and there is a signfiant amount of swelling post transfer. It is important not to overfill the buttocks when doing a transfer, even though you might think you should to get more fat to graft. The increased pressure from overfilled, stretched skin may actually cause the fat to die. Recovery time is minimal, and you should follow any post-treatment instructions given to you by your plastic surgeon.  

I do think this is a great option (I personally do not do ANY surgical procedures in my office, but have seen MANY excellent fat transfers–I especially see great results for Brazilian Butt-Lifts in Miami! If this is something that interests you, I'm happy to pass along a great board-certified MD–the experience of the Dr. matters! Do not do this procedure with a general surgeon! 

Non-Surgical Options 

This is what I have to offer to the mix. I have been injecting Sculptra for it's intended FDA-approved use for about 8 years, and over the past 2 years, I've been doing TONS of it. I've always found it to be one of the best investments anyone can make in their skin, but it the hardest treatment to explain in terms of investment value. Sculptra is not immediate, it takes multiple vials, and multiple treatments which correlate to the amount of collagen loss the patient had to start, and what their expectations are. Although it is a commitment of time and money upfront, it is much more cost effective and natural looking than fillers. My mother has had sculptra treatments, and personally I would love to be injected with sculptra (I can't inject myself). If you are a yoga person or a runner, sculptra is FOR YOU!

Anyways, back to butts…

Sculptra Aesthetic is made with biocompatible, biodegradable, synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid, which is gradually and naturally absorbed by the body and helps to rebuild lost collagen through a series of treatments. The specialist injects treatment within the deep dermis, where strands of collagen support your skin’s structure. For significant volume increase, a session of sculptra for the buttocks is 6-10vials, and 2-3 treatments 6-8weeks apart are required. The low-end cost for one treatment is about $6,000 and can be up to $12,000 PER TREATMENT.  

This procudure is certainly not affordable to the average person, BUT this product doesn't need to be done singularly. For patients who have previously had a fat transfer, and need more defined sculpting done in certain areas, this can be a great adjunct treatment.  If there is a small area of indentation, assymetry, or concavity that bothers you, sculptra might be a cost-effective option.  

Combination Therapy For Butt Augmentation 

Sculptra should be discussed with anyone who is planning on undergoing a fat transfer prior to thier surgical appointment. Just like any other aesthetic investment, managing expectations are vital, and although the expectations of the treatment are explained and discussed during Informed Consent, the patient should also have an idea of what follow up treatments they may require and their cost.  

As of publication of this post, these are the ONLY safe, FDA-approved (but still considered off-label) procedures you should even CONSIDER undergoing. Yes, all of these options are expensive, but if you cut costs and receive something other than these 3 options, there is a high chance you will have severe complications such as necrosis (tissue death), limb loss, or even ACTUAL death.  But first you'll pay up in hospital fees, because complications of elective, non-FDA approved procedures–insurance will not be covering those costs.  PLEASE do not put anything in your body that isn't safe!  

How to Get Rid of Cellulite

Guess what!  A variation of this procedure gets rid of cellulite.  Treatments for cellulite have traditionally been disappointing for the consumer, but this treatment is awesome!  Stay tuned for more blog posts on sculptra for cellulite reduction!  

with BlogPad Pro

Nonsurgical Facelift with Topical Resurfacing

7 Apr

I have been doing tons of “Vampire Facelifts,” a treatment that will eventually phase out going under-the-knife completely!  This awesome video was done by the beautiful Kim Fauria!  Not only is she absolutely gorgeous but she is such a boss babe!  Truely one of my favorite people!   Check her out at


Non-Surgical Nose Augmentation

10 Mar

Going under the knife isn’t your only option to change your nose.  Fillers and Botox can be used to change angles and light reflection to give the illusion of a smaller nose.  This is a great option for TONS of people but not many people have heard of this!


Hair Restoration

10 Mar

Collagen Induction Therapy with Platelet Rich Plasma

24 Oct


Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a remarkable procedure which combines the use of microneedling and the abundant growth factors found in one’s own blood to enhance natural collagen production and stimulate blood supply to the skin, resulting in a significant improvement of fine lines, acne scars, and sun damage and leaving you with a glowing, more youthful complexion.

Collagen Induction Therapy

18 Sep

 Although not a new technique, this skin care treatment is certainly the hottest trend right now.  This procedure, also known as Micro-Needling, is clinically-proven for treating aging, pigmentation, and scar tissue, and recently, stretch marks.
This minimally invasive procedure uses a sterile, automated, micro-sized needle device system to build up the connective tissue in the lower skin layers (dermal layers) while keeping intact the protective layers of the skin (epidermal layers).  In fact, CIT is the only skin rejuvenation treatment to target and regulate all 3 skin cells (keratinocyte, melanocyte and fibroblast) without compromising the integrity of the epidermis.
Controlling the depth, angle, pressure, and speed of the needle is imperative to the safety and outcome of the treatment, and cannot be done effectively with manual rollers (dermal rollers).

How Does It Work?
Collagen Induction Therapy works by creating a controlled “injury” to the skin, resulting in a systematic interaction of complex cellular events.  In order to work effectively, the mechanical stimulation of the dermis must activate a wound healing response, but the wound must close quickly or scar tissue will form.
 CIT can penetrate the skin anywhere from 0.5 mm to  2mm depending on the depth of the skin condition needing remediation.  The skin bleeds slightly but for only a short period (seconds).  When the dermis is penetrated by the needle, the skin activates the complex cascade of growth factors that eventually result in collagen production.

By inducing the healing response system in a controlled manor, scarless healing and normalized collagen structures result.  The growth factors released stimulate regenerative healing (collagen forms from the base upwards) resulting in type III collagen or healthy collagen as opposed to the growth factors released when the epidermis is damaged by ablative or heat methods, which result in cicatricial healing (collagen forms from the top down) and is type I collagen or scar collagen.
As the collagen matures and remodels, it tightens the skin.  A thickening of the epidermis by as much as 40% has been observed.
Because there is no heat involved in the process, there is a low risk of post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation, making it safe for all skin types.

Enhanced Product Penetration
The “wounds” created by the needles also act as channels through the skin layers, and therefore a product will penetrate deeper into the skin when applied topically.  Large molecules that cannot typically pass through the epidermis alone, such as hyaluronic acid, will penetrate very effectively through the channels.
Although channels should close 15-20 minutes post-treatment, it is imperative post-care involves using ONLY the topical products instructed by the provider to avoid any reactions.
This makes a great treatment with Platelet Rich Plasma…. Blog coming soon!

Micro-Needling VS. Alternative Treatments

This system has many benefits compared to other more invasive and painful treatment options.

  • Reduced risk of hyper-pigmentation and scarring therefore safe on ethnic or dark skin.
  • Suitable for thin and sensitive skin.
  • Can be done on areas of skin not suitable for laser or peels.
  • No line of demarcation between treated and untreated skin, as usually occurs with other resurfacing procedures.
  • Regular activities can be resumed within a few days, depending on the depth of penetration of the needles.

Basically, it was so impressive that after reading about it and seeing it done on a surgical scar, I tried to buy it an hour later.  It’s been the longest three weeks of my life.  😒.  But my new employee HAS a micro-needling system.  So for your viewing pleasure…. I had it done (and I skipped out on Pure Barre I wanted to do it so bad!).  (Also… I was planning on going to the Container Store… As I mention in the video–totally worth it!).

Although I am very red in the video, by the time I left the office it only looked like a slight sunburn.

A few hours later my face peeled like crazy.  I was sloughing off layers of skin while I applied hyaluronic acid.  I thought I eould continue to peel, and didn’t immediately take a picture.  By the time I woke up the peeling had subsided.

Not everyone will experience peeling, but if you do, don’t pick at it!

Post-procedure care 
It is imperative patients follow post-care instructions after professional Collagen Induction Therapy.

  • You cannot go in the sun for 24 hours and you have to wear sunscreen.
  • In the case of acne scars, after the skin needling procedure, the face should be cleaned with a gentle cleanser before bed. The next day, the face may be cleansed and makeup, lotions and other topical products applied as instructed.
  • Rejuvenation of skin may be seen as soon as 2 weeks and as long as 6-8 months after the medical procedure.
  • Burn scars are slow to respond. It can take up to 6 months to 1 year to see the final results from a single treatment.

For more information…. Stay tuned!

Post Treatment Day 1


Patients have been thrilled with this treatment.  For more information, A Girlfriends Guide to Vampire Facelifts a first hand account from Kim as she describes her treatment with me.


High School Reunion: Look Better than You Ever Have!

12 Aug

or at least look like your Facebook photos!


Ok, so I haven’t yet gone to any of my reunions… I run into people from my High School every now and again (you know… While I’m Botoxing them in my office….).  It is always great to catch up with the people who knew you when… Unless you don’t like them.  Then it’s great to look better then they do.

As as for the ex-boyfriend factor… Personally, I ran into one of my high school ex’s recently… Ehhhh what was I thinking?!?!?!!!!!!  (Dad, you were right about all my boyfriends!).  Even so, it can’t hurt to look uber attractive at a big reunion.  I just picture Romy and Michelle… Inventing post-it notes.  Ugh… And that AWEFUL football player.  Insert theme music:  time after time.  Love that song.  Sorry… I digress!

A reunion is as good a reason as any to want to look good.  Feeling good about yourself physically boosts your positive self-image and brings out an all-around better you!  And what could be more attractive then that?

So get pumped, start that diet, buy some AMahZing shoes, check out my video, and make them jealous.  Or just have fun… 🙂

VBlog Reunion

Botox Treatments for Migraine Headaches

31 Jul